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UPSC Engineering Services Exam Syllabus and Test Pattern: Union Public Service Commission has released a notification for the Engineering Services Exam to recruit the Engineering Services posts at their official website So the candidates before going to face the Engineering Services Exam, aspirants must know about the Exam Syllabus, Test Pattern and also the Selection Process.
For the sake of interested aspirants, we had provided the complete details in this page. For attending any competitive written exam, candidates must know the examination Syllabus and the latest Engineering Services Exam Test Pattern. By knowing these details, one can better be prepared for the exam to get the best marks in the examination. Aspirants start your preparation from now onwards to get good results with the help of the UPSC Engineering Services Exam Syllabus in the PDF format is attached below.
UPSC Engineering Services Exam Syllabus | Details |
Organization | Union Public Service Commission |
Category | Syllabus |
Exam Name | Engineering Services Exam |
Syllabus For | Engineering Services Posts |
Test Pattern |
Selection Process |
Syllabus | Download |
The Union Public Service Commission Engineering Services Exam comprises of 2 papers
UPSC ESE Exam Pattern: Engineering Services Examination conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is consists of two sections of written examination and Personality Test. Exam pattern of Engineering Services Examination are given below….
UPSC ESE Exam Pattern:
Engineering Services Examination comprises of two stages:
1. Written Examination
2. Personality Test
I. Written Examination: The written Examination will comprise of three stage
(i) Stage-I: Engineering Services (Preliminary/ Stage-I) Examination (Objective Type Papers) for the selection of candidates for the Stage-II: Engineering Services (Mains/ Stage-II) Examination.
(ii) Stage-II: Engineering Services (Mains/ Stage-II) Examination (Conventional Type Papers) and
(iii) Stage-III : Personality Test
2. The Engineering Services (Preliminary/ Stage-I) Examination will consist of two objective type (multiple choices) questions papers and carrying a maximum of 500 marks (Paper 1 – 200 Marks & Paper II – 300 Marks). Only those candidates who are declared by the Commission to have qualified in the Preliminary/ Stage-I Examination in the year will be eligible for admission to the Mains/ Stage-II Examination of that year provided they are otherwise eligible for admission to the Mains/ Stage-II Examination. The Marks obtained in Preliminary/ Stage-I Examination by the candidates who are declared qualified for admission to the Mains/ Stage-II Examination will be counted for determining their final order of merit. The number of candidates to be admitted to the Mains/ Stage-II Examination will be about six to seven time the total approximate number of vacancies to be filled in the year through this examination.
Note I : The Commission will draw a list of candidates to be qualified for Engineering Services (Mains/Stage-II) Examination based on the criterion of minimum qualifying marks in General Studies and Engineering Aptitude Paper (Paper-I) and Engineering Discipline specific paper (Paper-II) of Preliminary/Stage-I Examination.
Note II: There will be penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate in the objective type question papers.
(i) There are four alternative for the answers to every question. For each question for which a wrong answer has been given by the candidate, one-third (0.33) of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as penalty.
(ii) If a candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the given answers happen to be correct and there will be same penalty as above for that question.
(iii) If a question is left blank i.e. no answer is given by the candidate, there will be no penalty for that question.
3.1 The Engineering Services (Mains/stage-II) Examination will consist two conventional type papers in Engineering Discipline specific with duration of three hours and maximum marks of 600 (300 Marks in each paper).
3.2 The Stage-III will consist of Personality Test carrying 200 Marks.
4.1 Candidates who obtain such minimum qualifying marks in the Stage-I: Engineering Services (Preliminary/Stage-I) and StageII: Engineering Services (Mains/Stage-II) Examination as may be fixed by the Commission as per its discretion, shall be summoned bythem for Stage-III (Personality Test). The number of candidates to be summoned for Personality Test will be about twice the number of vacancies to be filled. The Personality Test will carry 200 marks (with no minimum qualifying marks).
4.2 Marks obtained by the candidates in the Stage-I:(Preliminary/Stage-I) Examination, Stage-II:(Mains/Stage-II) Examination and Stage-III (Personality Test) would determine their final ranking. Candidates will be allotted to the various services keeping in viewtheir ranks in the examination and the preference expressed by them for the various services/posts.
5. Candidates are advised to read carefully special instructions to candidates for conventional type tests and objective type testsgiven in Appendix-III (Part A and Part B) including the procedure regarding filing in the Answer Sheet of objective type tests in theExamination Hall uploaded on the Commission’s website ( on 28.09.2016.
6. In the Personality Test special attention will be paid to assessing the candidate’s capacity for leadership, initiative and intellectual curiosity, tact and other social qualities, mental and physical energy, powers of practical application and integrity of character.
7. Conventional papers must be answered in English. Question paper will be set in English only.
8. Details of the syllabi for Stage-I: (Preliminary/stage-I) and Stage-II :(Mains/Stage-II) are at Section III
subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Category-I Civil Engineering |
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) |
2 hrs |
200 |
Paper-II (Civil Engineering) |
3 hrs |
300 |
Total |
500 |
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Category-II Mechanical Engineering |
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) |
2 hrs |
200 |
Paper-II (Mechanical Engineering) |
3 hrs |
300 |
Total |
500 |
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Category-III Electrical Engineering |
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) |
2 hrs |
200 |
Paper-II (Electrical Engineering) |
3 hrs |
300 |
Total |
500 |
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Category-IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
Paper-I (General Studies and Engineering Aptitude) |
2 hrs |
200 |
Paper-II ( Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) |
3 hrs |
300 |
Total |
B. Stage-II(Mains/Stage-II) Examination:- |
ubject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Category-I Civil Engineering |
Paper-I (Civil Engineering) |
3 hrs |
300 |
Paper-II (Civil Engineering) |
3 hrs |
300 |
Total |
600 |
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Category-II Mechanical Engineering |
Paper-I (Mechanical Engineering) |
3 hrs |
300 |
Paper-II (Mechanical Engineering) |
3 hrs |
300 |
Total |
600 |
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Category-III Electrical Engineering |
Paper-I (Electrical Engineering) |
3 hrs |
300 |
Paper-II (Electrical Engineering) |
3 hrs |
300 |
Total |
600 |
Subject |
Duration |
Maximum Marks |
Category-IV Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering |
Paper-I (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) |
3 hrs |
300 |
Paper-II (Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) |
3 hrs |
300 |
I. Civil Engineering (for both objective and conventional type papers)
Paper I
1. Building Materials
2. Solid Mechanics
3. Structural Analysis
4. Design of Steel Structures
5. Design of Concrete and Masonry Structures
6. Construction Practice, Planning and Management
Paper II
1. (a) Fluid Mechanics, Open Channel, Flow, Pipe Flow
(b) Hydraulic Machines and Hydropower
2. (a) Hydrology
(b) Water Resources Engineering
Environmental Engineering
3. (a) Water Supply Engineering
(b) Waste Water Engineering
(c) Solid Waste Management
(d) Air and Noise Pollution and Ecology
4. (a) Geo-technical Engineering
(b) Foundation Engineering
5. (a) Surveying and Geology
(b) Transportation Engineering
II. Mechanical Engineering (For both objective and conventional type papers)
Paper I
1. Fluid Mechanics
2. Thermodynamics and Heat transfer
3. IC Engines, Refrigeration and Air conditioning
4. Turbo Machinery
5. Power Plant Engineering
6. Renewable Sources of Energy
Paper II
1. Engineering Mechanics
2. Mechanisms and Machines
3. Design of Machine Elements
4. Manufacturing ,Industrial and Maintenance Engineering
5. Mechatronics and Robotics
III. Electrical Engineering (for both objective and conventional type papers)
Paper I
1. Engineering Mathematics
2. Electrical Materials
3. Electric Circuits and Fields
4. Electrical and Electronic Measurements
5. Computer Fundamentals
6. Basic Electronics Engineering
Paper II
1. Analog and Digital Electronics
2. Systems and Signal Processing
3. Control Systems
4. Electrical Machines
5. Power Systems
6. Power Electronics and Drives
IV. Electronics And Telecommunication Engineering (For both objective and conventional type papers)
Paper I
1. Basic Electronics Engineering
2. Basic Electrical Engineering
3. Materials Science
4. Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation
5. Network Theory
6. Analog and Digital Circuits
Paper II
1. Analog and Digital Communication Systems
2. Control Systems
3. Computer Organization and Architecture
4. Electro Magnetics
5. Advanced Electronics Topics
6. Advanced Communication Topics
The Selection Procedures will consists of the following Stages
Step 1: Go to the UPSC official website or directly click on the Syllabus download link which is provided in the table above.
Step 2: On the homepage, you can find the Syllabus download link.
Step 3: Click on the Engineering Services Exam Syllabus link.
Step 4: Your Syllabus will be displayed on the screen.
Step 5: Click the Download button to get your Syllabus.
The Union Public Service Commission has invited the applications for Various Engineering Services posts on Huge number of candidates had applied for the posts.
Civil Servants for the East India Company used to be nominated by the Directors of the Company and thereafter trained at Haileybury College in London and then sent to India. Following Lord Macaulay’s Report of the Select Committee of British Parliament, the concept of a merit based modern Civil Service in India was introduced in 1854. The Report recommended that patronage based system of East India Company should be replaced by a permanent Civil Service based on a merit based system with entry through competitive examinations. For this purpose, a Civil Service Commission was setup in 1854 in London and competitive examinations were started in 1855. Initially, the examinations for Indian Civil Service were conducted only in London. Maximum age was 23 years and minimum age was 18 years. The syllabus was designed such that European Classics had a predominant share of marks. All this made it difficult for Indian candidates. Nevertheless, in 1864, the first Indian, Shri Satyendranath Tagore brother of Shri Rabindaranath Tagore succeeded. Three years later 4 other Indians succeeded. Throughout the next 50 years, Indians petitioned for simultaneous examinations to be held in India without success because the British Government did not want many Indians to succeed and enter the ICS. It was only after the First World War and the Montagu Chelmsford reforms that this was agreed to. From 1922 onwards the Indian Civil Service Examination began to be held in India also, first in Allahabad and later in Delhi with the setting up of the Federal Public Service Commission. The Examination in London continued to be conducted by the Civil Service Commission.
UPSC Syllabus
UPSC Syllabus Download
Union Public Service Commission Syllabus
UPSC Test Pattern Details
Union Public Service Commission Test Pattern Details
Engineering Services Exam Syllabus Download
UPSC Engineering Services Exam Syllabus
UPSC Engineering Services Exam
UPSC Engineering Services Exam Syllabus
Engineering Services Exam Syllabus Download
Engineering Services Exam Test Pattern
UPSC Engineering Services Exam Test Pattern
Union Public Service Commission Engineering Services Exam Test Pattern